We are pleased to present Cathy's very first book. Inside the cover you will find poetry written by Cathy.

Back cover Description:

Each poem tells a story, whether it be about a winter storm, the state of the world, or something more personal. I have always loved animals and as a result they have always been in my life. I have a deep empathy for the animals of the world, so naturally some of the poems are written from the perspective of the animal. Some cover painful subjects, while others are happy moments in time. Some of the poems will give a hint at what stirs my soul, while others are written with tongue in cheek humor. Each poem is a part of a larger story. The story of life, love, pain and sorrow, growth and learning. A journey of the soul, reaching for perfection.

Below is an excerpt from one of the poems in the book. It was written after watching a documentary about the Golden Gate Bridge.

Golden Gate Bridge

The sunshine can't reach him
He's too far in the shade
No one can help him
His decision is made

The bridge seems to want him
Calling out his name
He isn't looking for glory
He doesn't want fame

He wants the pain to stop
He wants to find some peace
He wants to find an end
He wants to find release

He seems to wander slowly
Without a real plan
His head filled with thoughts
Just hoping that he can


Unfortunately, due to the terms of the contract, we can not post the entire poem. You can read the rest of it in the book.

If you are interested in purchasing a copy it is currently available at

It will soon be available at Chapters and Mountain Bookstore in Hamilton. We will keep you posted on the progress of getting them into the stores locally.

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Copyright © 1998-2008 by George & Cathy Brady, Hamilton Paranormal